My journey with erectile dysfunction.

MY STORY is magical, almost fairytale like; only that the happy ending doesn't end and gets happier everyday! I'm just going to share how MY STORY started and some of how it is still evolving; over time through my blog, website, and email campaign you will learn more about me and my journey.

  • A few years ago I found myself in the most frustrating  situation, in the company of my longtime lover not being able to perform; this condition prevailed for a year until I acted and healed myself

I searched for answers and vanquished a most unwelcome guest. The benefit has eclipsed expectations At 70 years,  I'm having the best sex ever; I know what it is to be told I'm "amazing", "performing like I'm 20", "I'm the best she's ever had", and the vitality and appearance of a man decades younger.

For a few years now I have coached myself into good health and mind blowing sexual performance.

I've created *The7G Front End Lifter* and it continues to deliver extraordinary results. The *7GFEL* has evolved into a system; I've tweaked the formula to make it better tasting, variant, and convenient. 


The vision going forward is an ongoing discussion in furtherance of healing ourselves on every conceivable level spanning the physical to the superconscious, transforming us from zero to HERO...